Complete solution for Internet billing, download limiting, time and bandwidth management, ISP billing, hotel Internet, free WiFi.

HotSpot Operator Licensing

At Antamedia we understand your WiFi coverage area may need to expand during peak season or business growth.
To provide for this we offer special low-cost licensing for additional staff or “Operators”.
As standard, Hotspot runs your network, intelligently metering bandwidth and controlling access from the PC it is installed on.
This PC is also where you can start issuing WiFi Internet access to your customers.
Should you wish to allow a staff member at your golf clubhouse, gym or other spot further away to also issue access, you only need an Operator license for such staff. In effect this gives you the convenience of multiple installations at a reduced rate, without requiring a redundant and complex setup.
The operator licensing is designed specifically for enterprises needing to provide multiple hotspot retail points, spread over a larger area such as holiday resorts and hotels, hospitals etc.
By connecting to the same database, everything is kept simple and consistent. It also means if someone obtains authorization at one place, such as your swimming pool, they can continue using it anywhere you have coverage, with the same login and account level.
What is the difference?
The primary difference between a full license and an operator’s license is that the full license both runs the network and issues access.
The operator’s license costs less, only issues access and is dependent upon your main installation.

While Antamedia Hotspot is an Internet gateway system, you can think of the Operator installation as a “customer gateway”.
It provides extra points where your guests can interact with your staff and gain access, without having to walk to your reception desk or other central location.
Note that Hotspot will also work with your credit card vendor payment system online, meaning guests or the public can top up from wherever they have Internet access.
What are the benefits?
The most important aspect of additional Operator licenses is convenience for your guests, avoiding queues and making full use of the wireless technology.
While online registration is possible, many guests will prefer to deal with a human, especially the first time. There are also of course, benefits for you.
• Hotel reception can generate accounts while main HotSpot is located in a secure place (such as a server room)
• Allows remote operators to generate accounts without access to sensitive data or main software settings
• You can install HotSpot Operator software in multiple areas, effectively connecting the entire resort or similar enterprise to one network, yet retaining centralized control
• More profit opportunities

Avoids problems
An equally important aspect is that it protects your main HotSpot gateway installation from human activities that can cause downtime.
It avoids problems or loss of guest access such as:
• Viruses or bad software lowering bandwidth or destabilizing the system
• Multiple programs started by employees which increase CPU usage
• Accidental reboots, switching off, unplugging by cleaners etc.
• Keeps your main installation in a clean, safe environment for reliability
• In event of theft or damage you only lose a PC, not your entire network
With a friendly interface
The user interface is very simple and easy, and is designed for seasonal or less experienced staff.
Accounts are generated in 3 easy steps:
1. Choose Price Plan
2. Choose number of the accounts to generate
3. Click ‘Generate’ button!
Hotspot’s user interface is touch screen friendly with large buttons, and several layouts available.

Printing is optional and it can be turned on or off with a single click.
An Operator can also choose between several screen layouts showing the 3 steps to generate accounts, smaller or larger price plan list, price plan cost and total amount to bill, and optionally display or hide generated accounts with username and password.
Other uses
As the main Administrator (with password) you can use it to generate, modify or delete accounts, view bills and statistics, generate reports, make new employee accounts, configure price plans, send email notifications (account expiry or maintenance reminders) and generally monitor activity.
If you run a chain of hotels or similar, you can perform such monitoring from anywhere that is connected to your network, even from a different city or country.
Getting Started
First you need to be running a full version of Hotspot. You can download a free trial for evaluation before you obtain a full license.
From there you can decide if you need additional operators and if so, how many. More can be added at any time in the future.
Installation and connection to your network is made simple with a built in ‘wizard’ for Windows.
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