Complete solution for Internet billing, download limiting, time and bandwidth management, ISP billing, hotel Internet, free WiFi.

Video Manuals
Subscribe to the Antamedia YouTube channel and watch video manuals, software features videos etc.
HotSpot Software – Win Server Setup
Step by step instructions how to configure Windows Server 2012 roles and prepare it for installation of Antamedia HotSpot Software.
Please note, these instructions also apply to all previous HotSpot software versions.
HotSpot Software – Win 10 Setup
HotSpot Software V7 is a new version of the industry leading Windows Hotspot software. This guide will help you install and configure it.
Please note, these instructions also apply to all previous HotSpot software versions.
HotSpot Software – Hotel WiFi PMS
Create a free or paid Hotel Internet access and integrate with Hotel PMS software to automate guest login with room and name.
HotSpot Software – Customer Surveys
Increase customer satisfaction using innovative real-time WiFi Customer survey system that collects guest opinions.
HotSpot Software – Email Notifications & Campaigns
Use your WiFi Hotspot to send Email campaigns and notifications to your customers and guests. Send newsletter and marketing emails to your customers.
HotSpot Software – OEM Branding
Get your own HotSpot installer branded with your company logo, and contact details. Remove Antamedia logo and put your company name and logo.
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